Hi everyone
I need some help, my golden retriever is 18 months old and we are in search of a new hypoallergenic dog food. When she was younger she suffered from giardiasis and SIBO which is a bacterial infection of her small intestine - this flairs up every fews months with serial diarrhoea.
As a retriever she loves swimming and likes to eat lots of things like fox poop or cat poop and of course I always try get her away from this. Currently we have been on Ardent Grange hypoallergenic food - wet and dry. I would like to seek some advice or recommendations of new food wet and dry.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Hello and welcome to the forum. We have a thread on this subject which might be helpful - link. It isn’t really possible to suggest any one product because there are so many and all dogs are different in what they can tolerate. If you haven’t already tried it, a good quality pre/probiotic might help. Next, it is really important to stop your dog from scavenging but I know that this is very difficult. One of my dogs is prone to this and I have had problems necessitating veterinary treatment in the past so now I keep her on the lead. It is a shame because she has very good recall except for the occasions when she has found something noxious.
You can search for hypoallergenic food in the Dog Food Directory by ticking the box under ‘Food properties’. I usually tick no red ingredients. Cold pressed foods are reputed to be useful for dogs with digestive issues. We have a thread about these here.
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