Feeding dogs with health problems - information needed

In order to help members who ask for advice in feeding their dog with health problems, we need the following information:
Breed of dog
Diet - please include current food and any products that you have tried in the past. Please include feeding amounts and treats.
Weight to include current weight and ideal weight
Nature of the problem, including how long your dog has had it.
Known allergies/intolerances.
General health.
Veterinary consultations - include any advice and medication that was given.

We would therefore ask members to provide this information. If it is not provided we can help by copying and pasting a template containing these areas into the original post. The member can then go back into their post to modify it with the relevant information.

Update of threads
We know how busy people are these days and how easy it is to forget, but we would also ask that, (if possible) members update their threads please. The information may be helpful to someone further down the line and feedback furthers the knowledge of those of us who have tried to assist.
Thank you. :slight_smile:



I have a 9 year old miniature dachshund (raw fed) who has been diagnosed with 3 small bladder stones. Currently she is on anti inflammatories and antibiotics for 30 days, along with a Hills c/d prescription wet dog food. After the 30 days, if bladder stones still remain she will have surgery. What is the best food to feed after this as hills scores quite low?

Hello @Laura92, welcome to the All About Dog Food Forum.

I hope your miniature dachshund is recovering well, fingers and paws crossed.

There are few types of bladder stones, do you know which one was your dog diagnosed with?

I believe the general approach for a dog with bladder stones is to avoid dry food and feed wet or raw food. Preferred protein being salmon, lamb, duck, rabbit and turkey. Feeding organ meats or red meat is not recommended.

Armed with this information, I think you will be able to find and try suitable food your dachshund :slight_smile:

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Hi there everyone,

My doggo has just had his spleen removed and he has had an upset tummy since then.
The vets gave me some gastrointestinal food royal canin to give to him and said to buy the rest online as it is cheaper but said that any gastrointestinal food would be fine.
I ordered concept of life without realising it was raw food so i now have 4 tins waiting to be used.
Does anyone know if i can cook this up for him to eat? as he cant have raw food after just having his spleen out due to the bacteria in the raw food.
Ive tried contacting the company that i brought the food off and they arent getting back to me and i have to keep buying the royal canin from the vets at ÂŁ4.50 a tin to tie us along till i find out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you

Hello @maxiemoo and welcome to the All About Dog Food Forum!
Apologies for the delay in replying to your comment.

I hope your doggo has been recovering well.

Though you can cook raw dog food, it is not recommended due to loss of nutrients, also it depends whether this particular raw food contains bone and how much - cooking will change the bone structure and it can become brittle therefore not safe for your doggo.

To calm his upset tummy, I would look into probiotics to help restore his good bacteria in the gut

Fingers and paws crossed he gets better soon!

What has your vet suggested? :slight_smile:

Hi hope someone can help! I know this isn’t necessarily dog food related but my 7 month old got diagnosed with atopic dermatitis today and I was hoping you would know of anything that could help? Has anyone had any experience with this in the past?

Hello @MaxTheGroodle,

sorry to hear about your pup being diagnosed with atopic dermatitis. I would suggest to search the topic in the “search bar”, there is couple of posts about it.
I know this might not sound very helpful but 1st option would be to talk to your vet about what diet options there are.
Hopefully some of our forum members will reach out.

Best of luck,