Food for a permanently hungry excitable greyhound - more protein?

Hi, I have adopted two rescue greyhounds from Spain (galgos). Obviously, I don’t ‘work’ them so they aren’t working dogs…in fact it’s difficult to find a place to let them off safely so they just get long walks most of the time. Rupert is now about 3 and Freya about 4. Rupert is very tall for a galgo and I think his metabolism is very fast. He is busybusybusy, easily excited and eats like nothing I have ever seen before (we have to give it to him in a ‘slow down’ bowl and even then in three portions). He seems to be always on the look-out and you can’t leave a scrap anywhere. Freya is smaller, shyer and picky. I had great trouble settling their stomachs when they arrived - tried several, and found that the best thing was to soak the dried food because otherwise it seems to go straight through Rupert. Their tummies are now more settled. Lately I have been trying Wainwrights (as it was a reasonable price I’m afraid, although not exactly cheap), but I think Rupert has lost a bit of weight and it could have been a false economy. Greyhounds are typically skinny but he seems to be always hungry and is looking a bit bonier than usual. I have come to the conclusion that Wainwright’s is probably junk. So back to the drawing board. I bought a small bag of Canagan today to see if they like it (Rupert likes anything) But it is very expensive - although the girl in the store assured me he would need less of it, so it might be comparable. However, I am wondering if the higher protein content will make him even more lively/exicitable. What do you think? He also seems to have a very ‘scurfy’ skin. Is there anybody who could recommend a good one that isn’t going to cost a fortune? I have wondered about raw… but do you also have to add veg and additives? I work and don’t have time to do a lot of extra cooking, nor do I have a freezer or space for one. Also, I wondered how you rate the foods here…what do you base it on? Thanks very much in advance.

Hello and welcome to the forum. If you look here you can see how David, the site owner, calculates the ratings of different foods.

You will also find some discussion about high protein and hyperactivity in this thread

RE raw foods, If you wanted to do that, you can buy raw frozen complete foods such as which would not require you to add any vegetables if you didn’t want to. You would need lots of freezer space though.

This thread here explains how to search for a food that fits in with what you require. It will give you plenty of options within your budget and nutritional preferences

Hope this helps a bit.

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Hello and welcome to the forum. First of all, with regards to Wainwright’s, which product have you used? Mine had a short spell of their grain free ones and I thought that the recipe was quite good. Anyway, with regards to your dog’s hunger and weight loss I would imagine that he might be better on a higher protein and fat diet. Canagan is a good choice in this respect because it has a higher fat and protein level so should satisfy your dog more. The assistant is right - dogs often need smaller amounts of good quality food so they can be more cost effective. I also think that the Canagan is a good choice because it is grain free and might help with the problem of your dog’s dry skin. I have this problem with one of my dogs and she is worse on multiple/high grain food. It improves on grain free food.

See how you go with the Canagan but as Tinyplanets has said, using the filters on the Dog Food Directory, you could narrow the search down considerably (if you need any help with it, just ask) . I reckon you need to be looking for grain free and with higher protein and fat levels. Fat tends to sate the appetite more. Eden, Orijen, Millie’s Wolfheart are all good quality products that would meet this requirement. Some of them are sold as working dog foods so it would save you money as they are VAT free.

Regarding raw, as has been said you do need the freezer space. Also you would need to cost it out if using the ready made meals - maybe it would be a bit pricey for a large, hungry dog. Lots of raw feeders find using local meat suppliers is cheaper. As you are short of freezer space you would be better off sticking with a good quality, high protein/fat kibble IMO.


I would agree with Dottie, do give time for the new food to work its way through your dogs system, it can take 3-6 months for the nutrients to do their thing once the old food is completely out of the system.

Try a little coconut oil if its not already in the recipe you’re using or a tin of oily fish (in oil or tomato sauce, not brine) once or twice a week.

Be careful not to overfeed in trying to put weight on, any weight gain should be very gradual. Feeding too much can cause loose stools and therefore incomplete digestion and therefore weight loss (plus wasting food)

Thanks very much for the advice and info. Will take it! Will also keep an eye on the thread incase anyone with specifically greyhound experience wants to add anything :slight_smile: thank you anyway. It’s much appreciated that you take the time to answer when you must be swamped with queries.

I would be interested to know how you get on. As David said, slow and steady and hopefully your dog will be happier and gain a little weight.

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You’re welcome Laurie, at the end of the day we all want what’s best for the dogs.

As for me, I get some Royal Canin nutrition for mine from Semitone store here in Slovakia. It is developed exactly for the breed, and suits his needs

Hi Laurie! Felt I had to comment as I’ve been having the protein/fat argument somewhere else this morning with regard to greyhounds.

Lots of people will tell you greyhounds have different nutritional needs to other dogs and you should never feed high protein. They don’t, so the same principles apply - high quality protein, fat, calories, little and often so break it down into more meals if you need to get more quantity down them.

As your boy is a galgo it is possible that he has been starved in the past so just takes the opportunity to have whatever he can, whenever he can. It isn’t that uncommon. With our really hungry ones we’ve found something to chew helps. And of course a lovely carrot to crunch! All dogs metabolise their food at different rates and with some of ours over the years we’ve needed to feed 4 times a day (they shake, eat grass frantically and throw up) as it goes through them so quickly. Others have done fine on twice a day and a snack before bed. With the faster ones we’ve always soaked their food down too.

Scurf - all our lot get a bit scurfy when they are moulting especially the first year they are out of kennels and the coat and skin is renewing more. It is easier to see on a very short coat but as someone else said coconut oil can help.

We have 6 greys, an Irish Wolfhound, a Spanish thing of dubious parentage and a collie cross (lost our 16 year old spaniel cross not long ago and a lurcher not long before that). We work on the same principle for all of them. Best quality we can afford.
5 of the dogs are currently raw fed (freezer space is an issue), one gets freeze dried raw (all I can get down her since we amputated her leg) and the rest are on orijen at the moment.

Good luck

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