Luna and Me Raw Dog Food

I have heard of poppies picnic , but have decided to go for Luna and me ( trying my dog on raw from next week ) as they have patties easier to use, you just take out the patties from the freezer the night before as many as you need for that day and put into fridge. As I have not used raw before I thought that this would be a easier option.
Has any one else used Luna and me.
Lets just hope that my skinny Red setter can put on weight with raw food. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for letting us know about Luna and Me raw dog food. Please can you let us know how you get on with this? It will be interesting to know if your dog is able to gain some weight.

I haven’t tried it myself but as Dottie say’s your feedback would be much appreciated.

Copper is now on the 3rd day of raw food and loving it. When he has finished a meal he will then look at the counter to see if there is any more.
He had a loose tummy for the first 2 days ::slight_smile: but now he seems to be over it.
Luna and me food is easy to use, just take out of the freezer the number of patties you need for the next day place in your fridge and that is it.
The patties do not smell nasty, and are just like a very good quality burger.
Early days yet, but not as much coming out of the back end as I was use to, and he seems happier , as he was on a cold pressed food with lots of carbohydrates in, and they did not seem to fill him up and it did not help him put weight. Hopefully he will put on weight now. :slight_smile:
I was not really happy to let my dog copper have raw food as I had heard and looked at many things to put me off, :-
but I did my own research and asked company’s lots of questions and then decided to take the step and see if he could cope with the raw food.
If there is anyone out there who is unsure then you are not alone but, it is not as hard as it seems to be, go for it. :smiley:


Thank you for the update. Please can you let us know how your dog gets on re putting weight on? Would be useful to know.

Hi Dottie
Just to report back, Copper has now been on raw food for nearly 2 months, he has gone from a very skinny looking dog, with ribs showing , and the back end of him was also looking more like the back end of a cow than a dog,
he now is putting on more weight , he looks so much better, and now has a bit of a waist, his coat is more glossy and his motions are so much better than before, and he seems a bit more contented, well he should be on 800gs per day ;),yes he is on the higher end as he is very energetic , I will lower him down a bit when he has reached the weigh goal of at least 25kgs, for now he is only about 21kgs so a bit of a way to go… :slight_smile: I should have but him on it sooner.


Excellent news Rebecca. It is great to have a healthy dog who enjoys it’s food. Such a relief for you. Onwards and upwards. Looking forward to hearing another progress report. Thank you very much for providing us with useful feedback.

Good to hear he is doing well on his new food and getting up to a healthy weight. Thank you for your feedback.