Michael Lazaris Canine Prime supplement

I am about to try Canine Prime supplement by Michael Lazaris for my 2 dogs. Anyone got any feedback? No particular reason, except my dogs love eating grass and the soil on my walks. I feel there may be something missing in their Autarky grain free diet.

Hello and welcome to the forum. I hadnā€™t heard of this supplement. The website is here: Canine Prime. At Ā£49.45 for one jar some people would consider it to be expensive. However, the ingredient list is impressive and the reviews are good. I would be interested to know how you get on with it and if it helps your dog.

Hello Can I ask how you got on with the Canine Prime? Thanks

Iā€™m afraid I didnā€™t get on with this supplement. Found the powder was very fine and easily spilt. No noticeable dif to my dogs eating grass which was why I thought something amiss. They have since significantly reduced their grass eating and the only dietary change Iā€™ve made is to cycle through 3 types of dry dog food rather than sticking to one. Whether this is coincidence or not Iā€™m not sure.

Thereā€™s a lot of hype in the Lazaris spiel.
He is quite correct regarding extruded food and high temperatures.
However, a simpler and much cheaper solution, is to use a quality cold-pressed food like ā€˜Gentleā€™.
(Read the ā€˜Gentleā€™ reviews on this site for more information).
Itā€™s also interesting to note that most UK vets stock and recommend Royal Canin and Hills Science food ā€¦ if you read the reviews on those products here in AADF, you may wonder if Vets might be better sticking to dogtoring (sic) and leaving nutritional advice to other, more informed, providers.

My dog wouldnā€™t touch her food with this highly expensive product added so I gave it away. She is a highly active 7-year-old golden who occasionally nibbles a piece of grass but otherwise doesnā€™t exhibit any of the so-called ā€œwarning signsā€ which in my opinion are unnecessarily hyped up for the long video advertisement. All new (and some old) dog food nowadays is promised to provide the ultimate satisfaction and health for oneā€™s animal or animals; strangely enough, years ago we had none of todayā€™s ā€œmiraculousā€ diets or additives, certainly no pressure to ā€œfeed rawā€ or feed insects or vegetables (or indeed to have annual vaccinations) but somehow our dogs lived long healthy lives. Every new ā€œcanā€™t live withoutā€ product now has its supporters who claim their dog has been rejuvenated by it: unfortunately there is absolutely no long-term proof of success - if there was we would all be jumping for joy at whichever item provided that proof. Itā€™s always intriguing that producers think that the more they charge the more people will believe their product is essential: we could all eat prime Japanese beef , oysters and truffles but thereā€™s no guarantee that we will live longer as a result. If you think it works in some way, all well and good, but especially in todayā€™s harsh economic climate owners should not be made to feel guilty that they are abusing their companions by not giving them costly new products: that is rubbish.

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I think what Ronnie 03 says makes a lot of sense, but I am not sensible and far too susceptible to the fear factor generated by such sites as Dogs Naturally, etc. I give Adored Beast Love Bugs pro/prebiotics, which is very expensive and am considering getting a dried exotic mushroom blend. My dog has excellent food, but I also give her steamed whitebait once a week, organic wild blueberries and green leafy veg occasionally. Sometimes, on the very rare occasions when a bit of commonsense prevails, I realise Iā€™m being completely OTT and that the majority of dogs survive, if not thrive, on a rubbish kibble diet.

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