
Fingers crossed for your delivery, Tinyplanets. If you normally get your deliveries next day you shouldn’t have much of a problem as the food does seem to be OK even if it takes 2 days (with the exception of the smaller Dinner for Dogs trays which defrost more quickly). My problem is that Nutriment’s couriers take 2 days at best to deliver to me here, so any delay makes it 3+ days which really is too long for even the bigger trays to remain frozen.

I have repeatedly begged Nutriment to use a different delivery service to me - if Natural Instinct can get food to me in under 24 hours I don’t see why they can’t - but they simply refuse to try, even though I have said I don’t mind paying extra, that I’d be willing to pay almost whatever it takes, they won’t listen. Never mind, The Little Cav is doing great on NI.

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I just got my delivery a few days ago it took 2 days from order and arrived nicely frozen (though the moo tubes were starting to soften)
Maybe its down to the regional delivery service?

Mine came today and all was well. Hopefully just a blip.

I have been using Nutriment for over a year now and to be honest have never had a problem with delivery it has always been next day. My dogs love the stuff and have never had any problems on it at all. I change all the rescues onto it the day they get here and again no problems. I like it so much that I have started retailing it as there are no other retailers in my area…as yet.

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K9 Magazine interview Suzanne Brock of Nutriment.


Coming soon from Nutriment.


Gosh, the company is moving on. It just goes to show how popular raw feeding is becoming. There are also new, small companies springing up that also specialise in the raw ready meal. Sounds like it is a burgeoning market.

There was some information about the move, in the newsletter from nutriment. From watching sugarfree farm, it looked like the animals are being reared ethically.

I know nutriment had some problems getting some orders out quickly due to a huge increase in demand. They are hoping the move will solve the problems.

It sound like the new range may be suitable for some dogs with health issues. :slight_smile:

The latest Nutriment newsletter is out and contains details of their new “Laverstoke” organic range.

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Thanks for sharing this…

Based on the info in the newsletter & on the Nutriment website , their new Laverstoke range looks to be top quality.

The organic production & underlying theme is is genuinely impressive.

The normal Nutriment adult foods sits towards the top of our acceptable dog food spending budget. At £4.95 for a 500g tray I regret that I cannot justify buying this…Lab is a lean 25kg & currently has 500g (2% of bodyweight), of the Nutriment Adult food…sometimes 750g (3%) if needed. I cant justify spending over £150 if feeding 2% of dog weight (£230 if feeding 3% of dog weight), a month to feed just one dog.

i genuinely believe this may be one of the best raw completes available…quite possibly the best.

Regardless of product quality & production ethics I wil be interested to see what the customer uptake is on this.

It all looks very good but as mentioned, rather expensive when feeding more than one dog and/or large ones. I have thee small dogs but could not justify the cost, particularly when taking into account other expenditure such as insurance etc. There has to be a cut off point somewhere so I now use a more economical, but good product and have halved the monthly bill.

It does sound really impressive and I would love to feed it but even with one small dog, that is a big increase on what I am paying. I normally get the 10kg mixer box. They are sending extra this month as a few were partially defrosted last time. I hope I have room in the freezer. :-\

Fair play to Nutriment for raising the the bar in introducing the Laverstoke organic range. However, perhaps they have hit the price barrier where people cannot afford to buy in quantity.
I couldn’t afford to. Interesting comments coming in on their Facebook page
I do wish them well though.

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Does anyone know if the Laverstoke Farm range is intended to be a complete food? It only seems to contain meat, bone & offal, so I wouldn’t have thought it was complete but Nutriment don’t say otherwise so I’m a bit puzzled.

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Hi Bobbie,
I asked on the nutriment facebook page and this is their response

‘The Laverstoke range is complete without the need for veg. Due to it being Organic it holds a denser nutritional value compared to non-organic produce, which is why there isn’t a necessity of veg and superfoods in this range.’

Hope this helps

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Thank you Tinyplanets, that is interesting. I’m surprised that the meat being organic can make that much difference, but I suppose they know what they’re talking about.

I don’t think I’d want to rely on it for my own dogs all the same. As an occasional treat yes, but not every day, after all we’re always being told that variety is important for nutritional completeness.

I’ll be interested to see how it scores as a complete food on here.

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I couldn’t see these on the Nutriment website however Scruffles Pet Supplies have added two new varieties Nutriment Rabbit and Turkey complete 500g also Nutriment Rabbit Formula complete 500g to their website.


News from Nutriment.


It all sounds good but I would like to see them working on eco friendly packaging too. :frowning:

Have fed this brand before…very good.

This looks like an extension & business model development building on focus of health benefits such as he low purine adult tripe and chicken.

I would much rather feed nutriment than the longstanding dry/wet completes pushed by vets that claim to be prescription or condition focused.

Competitors sell 1kg trays, combustible or recyclable trays & price competitive products. I am very aware of the quality within nutriment products & the origin of their stance on high ingredient quality !

Nutriment 1.4kg chubbs are better value but not easy to visually calculate divided feed weight once defrosted & in a container.

Anyway Nutriment IMO is a top company…they care, are very knowledgeable and products are good. I hope the new range does well and that owners consider these products for dogs with specific issues.