Promoting the site

Just a thought … It may be helpful to promote the site with Trustpilot, a site used to write reviews. Also a site used by others to read reviews and a helpful lead to others to find the useful information therein.


Great idea Meg, I’ll definitely look into it

Please forgive me if these groups are already aware of allaboutdogfood. Yet as I’d made mention of promoting the forum I felt I ought to mention a few avenues to try…

It could prove to be really useful to those thinking about having dogs in their lives to have access to the wonderful resource that is allaboutdogfood.

And to help promote the site I’d suggest approaching the Kennel Club to encourage anyone looking for a pedigree puppy on their website to be helped to become aware of allaboutdogfood as an extremely useful swathe of free help to a new dog owner.

Ditto approaching the individual breed clubs themselves?

It may be helpful to go so far as to make contact with individual breeders to request a mention of allaboutdogfood in their puppy ‘contracts’ booklets which they then give to the new owner together with the puppy. Aware that owners continue the food the pup is currently eating when it leaves the breeder and to help the new owner with food transition and future dog topics should the need arise.

Dog Rescue groups too are of course an invaluable way to promote the allaboutdogfood site for the dogs currently in their care and prospective new owners. Particularly useful for quality feeding with a number of dogs to feed.

Other promotional avenues include dog trainers, vets, service dog providers, kennel owners, dog magazines.

I wonder too if companies offering dog Insurance policies might be enthusiastic to promote the site? Logic tells me the explanatory details of information regards a raft of dog foods and treats, the numerous wonderful articles, together with the wisdom and knowledge offered in the forum may help their clients enormously.