Raw and kibble together


I am new to the forum, I have a Bullmastiff Cross that has went through TPLO surgery, she has grain allergies and Hypothyroidism, but apart from that really healthy. She loves Raw but loves Kibble, I tend to put a scattering of 80/20 simpsons with 300g of raw due to her being immobile for the next 7 weeks, does anyone have any recommendations as what I should be feeding to ensure she does not go over weight? Many thanks

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Hello and welcome to the forum. As your dog has an established diet that suits her I think it is better to continue with that. However, both of these foods are above average in protein/fat so it makes sense to reduce the quantities. As a temporary measure you could take about 10% off or maybe 20% but not more than 25%. Just see how it goes and if you want to add something low calorie to make up the volume, perhaps consider suitable cooked vegetables. The green leafy vegetables are useful as they have good nutritional value but go easy on the starchy veg such as parsnips and carrots. There is plenty of information on the Internet re suitable vegetables and fruit for dogs. Here is one: Safe fruit and vegetables for dogs. Also Planet Paws (Rodney Habib) has some useful videos on YouTube. This thread might be useful. I hope that your dog makes a sound and speedy recovery.

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