Suggestions or opinions for probiotics please

Hi, do you have any suggestions or opinions for probiotics please. I had a look through your page and couldn’t see a post so, I wanted to see if you had any thoughts on good brands.
Since I’ve been looking for help with itchy spaniel ears, I’ve been inundated with ads, Nutri Paw, Pet Lab, Pooch and Mutt etc. Some are quite expensive so I thought it was worth an ask before subscribing to something. Thanks!

So my first question is has he got itchy skin and ears or just ears?
As i have a border collie that had itchy ears and skin and we worked it out to be the grains and meat in his food.
We changed him to AVA Sensitive skin and stomach white fish and it all stopped.
I have used yumove which is really good and can be brought from pets at home without a subscription.
Good luck and i hope this helps