Cocoa Butter/Shea butter for dogs

Hello. I am trying to find information about Cocoa butter and/or Shea Butter for dogs.

I went online and I found many opinions about if it’s safe or not to make treats for your dog.

I am trying to develop a recipe for dog chocolate using carob powder, but unfortunately, Cocoa butter is the go-to fat of choice.

I found articles about CBE alternatives made with Shea butter and Palm oil but nothing with a study and data supporting them.

I would like to know from any nutrition expert if Cocoa butter/Shea butter is safe for dogs or not.

I know about Theobromine and its toxicity, but online you can find people who say “Yes, you can feed cocoa butter to your dog because it should contain almost zero Theobromine” or “No your dog will die”.

Thanks a lot.

Your query is not something that is within the remit of this forum. This might help: PFMA