After the recent statement from the RCVS on complimentary medicines, a protest march and the delivery of a petition has been organised by the British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons. The protest march is on January 15.
Interesting. Thank you Seaweed. I am not sure how I feel about this one. I understand the importance of evidence based practice but I also think it is important to have choices when it comes to the welfare of our pets. I suppose the worry is, that without the tests, the pros but more importantly the potential dangers of alternative medicines, are unknown. That said, I have no doubt that the same could be argued about mainstream medications.The doctors may have a good understanding of the side effects (sometimes) but I doubt the average person does. I don’t believe they are always used appropriately either. Good nutrition seems to be getting a reputation for being a huge contributing factor in preventing and even reversing some health conditions but a large number of medics and vets are not on board with that yet.
Sadly it does appear, that the mainstream view often supports the financial interests of the big businesses.
Homeopathy has a valued place in my view. In my experience where the scientifically proven ointment fails, manuka honey wins hands down!
Primum Non Nocere “First do no Harm”
So much can be achieved through Homeopathy, LED Light Therapy, Pemf etc and indeed Manuka Honey and others, all these things have there place and in my opinion it’s good to see holistic vets speaking out looking for a better way forward.