
Hi everyone!

Just to introduce myself quickly: I am Katrin. I am originally from Germany, but I have lived in the US for 6 years, before moving back to Europe the beginning of this year. I just moved to Scotland to complete my postgraduate degree a few weeks ago.

My dog is called Ranger. He is about 2.5 years old and I got him from a shelter in the US when he was 7 months old. He is definitely Border Collie (maybe crossed, but we don’t know). Unfortunately he has a lot of digestive issues and we have already spent thousands at the vet, but never found a cause. Now we are trying to manage with diet and occassional treatments, but it’s tough. It does not seem to bother him too much though as he is active and healthy otherwise, just a bit annoying to all involved (chronic diarrhea).

Anyway, we love long walks and hikes, agility (have to take a break at the moment, sadly), trick work, playing fetch and tug, and just hanging out together!

Hello and welcome to the forum. He is a lovely looking dog. Sorry to hear he is having so many digestive issues. I hope you manage to get to the bottom of his problem.

Hi Katrinh and welcome to the group. I hope the site helps you to find a suitable food for your handsome boy Ranger. It’s uncanny but your Ranger and my 2 1/2 year old collie/Samoyed cross Indie look so alike they could be twins.