Hello, I have two westies, Tilly (7-ish) & Dylan (3-ish) - both are rescues.
I lost my previous much-loved westie Enzo very suddenly to aggressive intestinal cancer in early 2013 (5 days between showing signs of illness and losing him). He was 9 and until then seemed very healthy. We fed him mainly on Royal Canin and Iams, with some leftovers and also gave him all the usual mainstream treats. Afterwards I started to research pet food and came across this site (as WhichDogFood) and it has been invaluable both for food and treats and I am always encouraging my dog owning friends to visit the site.
I feed Tilly and Dylan on Nutriment, which was recommended by the lady who was fostering Tilly for Westie Rescue. They also get raw bones once or twice a week. Tilly is an ex-puppy farm breeder and has had a few health issues/joint problems. Soon after we adopted Dylan and Nutriment had supplied food to his rescue (Friends of the Animals, Wales) to try to help with his serious skin condition (which was so bad his previous owners to him to be pts). By the time he came to us he was well on the mend and is now (fingers crossed) fine although we have never got to the bottom of what caused his problem (allergies/mange/yeast?). I am very careful with what I feed them both - no grains, limited dairy, healthy or homemade treats and things like carrot, apple etc. and both dogs are very happy and healthy.
I do occasionally feed other foods - wet and dry - e.g. when camping and this site is really helpful when deciding what to choose. Thank-you
Hello Louise - welcome to the forum. It is so good of you to give a second chance to your two Westies. Sounds like Nutriment is the perfect choice of food for them, particularly with those skin problems. I too had Westies for many years, fortunately only one had the eczema and it wasn’t too bad. With regards to your holidays, I understand that cold pressed is ok with raw feeding. I’ve just taken mine off Nutriment and returned to Gentle and can confirm that mixing the two did not cause any problems.
Hi - If I were recommending a food for camping,it would be Barking Heads Tiny Paws wet food - grain free, widely available and feed straight from the tub so no washing up!
Hello and welcome Louise and Westies
My terrier gets nutriment as part of her diet. I am glad it is suiting your dogs. Happy to hear Dylan and Tilly have a new home with good food.