More fibre

Hi, my dog has recently had her anal glands flushed and packed, the vet recommended adding more fibre to her diet so for the time being i am sprinkling weetabix on to her dog food but they recommended slightly changing her diet, I was just wondering what dog dry food would be best,

Her normal food for a day
Breakfast- Harringtons complete dog food and a pouch of Winalot (but started weetabix this morning)
Tea- same as breakfast

If anyone has any advice please let me know

Thank you

Hello and welcome to the forum. More fibre is a good idea and the use of human cereal is sometimes recommended. The stool needs to be quite firm and bulky enough to compress the anal glands as it passes through. Some foods provide the bulk but not the firmness and you might find that this is what happens with the Weetabix.

One of my dogs had this problem and the food which provided the correct stool and cleared up the problem was cold pressed. It contains brown rice, which is a good source of fibre. In my dogs it produces a firm, solid poo with sufficient bulk to compress the anal glands. However, I can’t say that this would solve your problem - it was just something that helped my elderly dog.

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Hi, welcome to the forum!
These are the results from the dog food directory of all foods with at least 7% of fibre content (Harringtons is around 3.3%)
If you don’t fancy switching food though, you can keep it simple and just add a handful of vegetables to the usual meals. Broccoli and peas (cooked -steamed or boiled) are huge favourites among dogs; spinach and kale can be given raw; carrots are great as a treat too, as they are crunchy and fun to chew.


Good idea to use vegetables. I read that absorption is better when veg is cooked (steaming retains more nutrients), then mashed/puréed. There is a Rodney Habib video about vegetables here.

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