New puppy, food help needed!

Hi there,

Would love any advice as I feel I’m going rounds and round in circles!
So getting a new Labrador puppy in 2 weeks; he is currently fed Royal Canen. Breeder swears by it, I’ve been reading up and it doesn’t look great. I’ve been reading raw V grain free V different kibbles and I’m so so confused. I really don’t know what to do! I’m worried about pup getting the best start, right vitamins. Any recommendations ? Any advice would be much appreciated

Hello and welcome to the forum. For a dog with no specific health issues, It is hard for members to recommend a particular food as all dogs are different and finding one that suits is mostly trial and error. You can look at this thread for advice on how to use the quick search tool and find some different foods. If you find one that you like the look of, feel free to ask about it as some members may have had experience feeding it.

Thank you for your reply, I will do just that

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I can recommend an amazing puppy food that will give your pup amazing coat and brilliant support whilst growing.
Its AVA sensitive skin and stomach white fish.
Fish is amazing for dogs i have 3 dogs that are feed on a fish only diet and we get complements everywhere we go on how lovley there coats look.
Hope this helps