Unusual (But Typical) FDA Warning Letter To A Raw Pet Food

Unusual (But Typical) FDA Warning Letter To A Raw Pet Food. https://truthaboutpetfood.com/unusual-but-typical-fda-warning-letter-to-a-raw-pet-food/

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Yes I can understand why the writer may feel as they do…

It’s becoming more and more clear that the FDA are simply an arm of Big Pet Food (and Big Pharma).

Roughly half of FDA funding comes from the very companies they are supposed to be regulating [link] with bigger companies paying more and a large proportion of FDA staff later work for those very same companies [link].

Big Pet Food and their allies/employees in the FDA and other regulatory and industry bodies, in academia, and throughout the veterinary industry have been waging a war on smaller companies including raw producers for years. This just seems to be the latest salvo.