food recommendation for these intolerance

hi all

i have a bulldog, his tests came back and has the following intolerance’s
gluten 85%
maize 87%
soya bean 91%
wheat 99%
yeast 99%

hes 12 month old english bulldog, raw isnt really a option at the min, greatful for any help

thanks lee

Hello and welcome to the forum. Using the Dog Food Directory it shouldn’t be too much of a problem to find a suitable product. Except for brewers yeast, most of the better quality dry foods will not contain the other items. Please can you say which type of food you wish to feed and if you have a budget?

looking for a kibble type dog food, at the min hes on wainwrights grain free. costs about £40/15kg ish, something in that price range would be good
cheers lee

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I have done a search on the Dog Food Directory using the following filters:

Type of food - dry extruded/baked.
Food properties - clearly labelled, grain free.
Rating - 75% to 100%.
Avoid ingredients - all red, all yellow, all cereals/grains, yeast.

It returned six pages but this included puppy food - it can be narrowed down if you put your dog’s age in the box at the top of the results. Using age 5 years it reduced the list to four pages. I can’t reproduce the search on here so you will need to repeat it yourself. I couldn’t take the budget into account because you don’t say how long it takes for your dog to use up the current bag and the DFD gives cost per day.

thanks for your help, didnt notice the avoid section when i was searching, will have another look now, thanks

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Glad to be of help Lee. Please let us know what you choose if you have time. Millie’s Wolfheart products might be worth looking at as there is a good variety.