Home-cooked dog food recipes

Please share your home-cooked dog food recipes here. They could be a huge help to others :slight_smile:


I’ve used this one and the boys just adored it. It’s a Kale & Cheese Frittata. I’ve read that goat’s milk/cheese is healthier and use it instead of cow’s. Any advice on this would be appreciated.

Canine cordon bleu: James Martin teamed up with vet and animal nutritionist Marc Abraham to create healthy meals for man’s best friend

Kale & Cheese Frittata

1 cup chopped kale
100g chopped cherry tomatoes
4 eggs
1/2 pint milk
100g grated cheese
1 tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary
1 tbsp. grated parmesan

I can’t post the link but you can google and see them cook it in a video.




Cows milk has much larger fat molecules than goats milk making it more difficult to digest, Cows milk also contain significantly more lactose so can cause problems for dogs (and people!) who have an intolerance to lactose.

Goats milk is actually relatively similar to human breast milk which means people are better equipped to digest it, obviously dogs produce milk which is composed differently (higher concentration of fat and protein) but dogs, like people, are able to digest goats milk far more easily than cows milk.

Having said that, as with all things, some dogs tolerate cows milk with no issues whatsoever - my dog has yoghurt made from cows milk (mixed with mashed ripe banana) now and again and she doesn’t seem to have any issues with it (normal stools, no wind, etc).


I will try giving Doggie, my dachshund some the yoghurt with mashed ripe banana. Hopefully she will like it.


Anti-inflammatory Gravy recipe for dogs.
Gingermeric Gravy by Rodney Habib. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io-n1pdZNWo


I am learning a lot of ideas from you guys… Thank you!

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Pancake recipe for dogs from Lily’s Kitchen.
Also from Lily’s Kitchen, Henrietta Morrison’s book ’ Dinner for Dogs’ book.

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These are a few recipes that both humans and dog have enjoyed lately

This dish is a bit of a mish mash of ideas You can vary the amounts of ingredients to match the number of people and canines who will be dining. I aim to cook about 150gs of chicken per person. I generally add onions and mushrooms (for the humans only) and whatever other vegetables I have handy.

Today we added peppers and spinach. It is made like a stir fry. Cut some chicken into strips and cook for about 5 minutes, add the vegetables of choice. I usually remove the dog’s chicken and cook it with the vegetables which she is able to eat in a small pan next to ours. When the vegetables are cooked to your liking, add the pesto sauce and stir through. You can buy the sauce or make your own. It is simple to make.

50gs pine nuts
1 pack of fresh mint (I use Aldi)
4 tablespoons of olive oil.

Blend together and that is it. Simple and very tasty. I think most pesto uses Basil but whatever is to your taste. You can add Parmesan for the humans if they like it and don’t forget to add your calcium source to the dog’s bowl.

I would serve this particular dish with either brown rice or sweet potato.


This dish is a firm favourite with the whole family. On paper, I didn’t think it sounded terribly exciting but on the plate, it was a delicious surprise. I found the recipe on Allrecipes and we have been enjoying it as a family meal for a while. Since the dog has been on some home cooked, I saw that, with a few, modifications, it would be perfect for her too.

I don’t add onion, salt or pepper to the dog’s. I cook it in a very low salt, gluten free, kallo stock cube.

For the human portion we add onions, a tbsp of curry powder and seasoning to taste.

It is quick to make and can all be done in one pan, with a little pan on the side for the doggy version. Again don’t forget to add your calcium source. (I use powdered egg shells)


This next dish is a deconstructed chicken wrap. The humans have this with some spices. The dog has my wheat free tortilla which is grated cauliflower mixed with egg and lightly fried. She has some plain chicken and a biscuit made from ground flax, blueberries, spirulina and coconut oil on the side.


She often has a little natural fat free yogurt and berries after her meal.


The simplest food used by the military in some countries.

  • buckwheat porridge 80% _ +
  • water 10% _ +
  • meat 10% _ +
    A domestic dog deserves the best!

Hello and welcome to the forum William. Looking at that recipe I am surprised that the dogs are able to do a days work. It really is unbalanced and quite poor.

This is a recipe from 3 countries. But not England. But this is unfortunately.

Nonsense to suggest this…something not right here

I think this is quite an interesting piece about home cooking:


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For 500g of mince add 165g Veg

100g mince/veg mix = 250kcal
100g Mixer (Pedigree) =330kcal

I have started cooking Co Op 20% fat mince for my dogs 2x Collies
basically just quickly fry mince in pressure cooker and pressure cook for 7 mins add the finally chopped veg after for a further 10mins and
that’s it. Just looking for feed back

Just put example for one of the dogs he weighs 21Kg

“Eddie” needs 1240 kcal day

mince/veg mix 350g
Mixer 100g
Bonio x 3 @ 78Kcal each

Hello Ed209. Welcome to the forum. Thank you for contributing your recipe. It’s great to hear from someone who is giving home cooking a go. Well done and I hope that you will expand your knowledge as time goes on. BTW I have merged your post with the existing thread on recipes so that we have them all together.

Mixer biscuit is something that we used to use alongside tinned food many years ago. I haven’t used it in decades so I have just had a look at the ingredients:
Cereals (including 4% Whole Wheat),Meat and Animal Derivatives,Oils andFats,Minerals,Antioxidants
As can be seen, the list is unclear. Some dogs have problems with wheat. We don’t know what the remainder of the carb content is. Meat and animal derivates is vague - we therefore don’t know what it contains.

Personally I would look for a more wholesome, wheat free carbohydrate source such as well cooked brown rice or oats or cooked, mashed sweet potato. Butternut squash can also be used. Starchy veg such as carrots and parsnips have carbs too. Usual ratio is 60% meat or other protein source. The remainder can be a mix of carbs, cooked, mashed veg and a little suitable fruit. The green veg such as broccoli are nutritious. If you look at the Different Dog recipes you will see what I mean.

I just need to remind anyone who is wanting to home cook for their dog that supplementation is required. The two main supplements are calcium and omega oils. Do some research first and you should achieve the correct ratios.

What I do find interesting is the calories in tin meat approx 90kcal per 100g V Minced Beef (75% Lean / 25% Fat) approx 290kcal per 100g

Interesting comparison. I don’t tend to think too much about calories. I am more interested in the quality of ingredients and the protein/fat/carb content. I like to see a nice balance plus variety.