Prins Petfoods - Specialists in Pressed Dog Food

Hello, I would just like to take the opportunity to introduce ourselves.

My family are dog breeders in Kent. Over the years we’ve used so many different types and brands of dog food that I couldn’t name them all but we were never fully satisfied with any. Around 2 years ago we began exploring the possibility of producing our own food and spent around a year working with a large manufacturer trying to produce a recipe that met the nutritional requirements of our dogs. For one reason or another we couldn’t quite make it work. This coincided with us beginning to learn about pressed food. Pressed food is only produced in Europe and while it’s still new in the UK it’s very popular in countries like Germany and the Netherlands. Due to the way it’s produced and how it’s digested it has several advantages over regular, extruded dry food.

We contacted several manufacturers in Europe producing pressed food and our dogs sampled their foods but one company and their products stood out from the rest - Prins Petfoods. Prins started out producing pressed food over 50 years ago and are one of if not the leading Pressed food manufacturer in Europe. Prins genuinely are a family run company with 3 generations of their family actively working within the company. Prins genuinely are a family run company with 3 generations of their family actively working within the company. Their core values of quality, expertise, environment & sustainability, engagement and innovation aren’t just words - all their products are 100% natural, using premium grade, sustainable ingredients and they employ a dedicated CareTeam that is on hand to answer any questions or queries regarding the suitability of their products or even just the general well-being of your pet.

Having been convinced by their food and the company, earlier this year we took the step to partner with Prins and we are very excited to now be able to offer their products in the UK.

If anybody would be interested in sampling Prins food please do get in touch and tell me a little about your pet (breed, age, activity level) and we’ll happily send out a free sample of a suitable product. And of course if anybody has any questions about us, Prins or even pressed food generally please do feel free to ask.


The Prins website is here. It would seem that the company manufactures cold pressed and extruded dog food. To select one or the other you have to click on the drop down box on the Dog Food page.


Thank you for the link Dottie. I was unable to post it myself.

Yes, Prins now produce extruded food as well as pressed however we only have plans to distribute the pressed food in the UK for the time being. They also produce complete wet and deep frozen raw food too. They began with and their main focus is their pressed food though.

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We’re excited to announce that we’ll be launching a new product range at PATS later this month:

Prins has developed a new nutrition line aimed at medium to larger breeds of dogs: ProCare Protection. The ProCare Protection line consists of five pressed feeds, suitable from pup to senior.

Given their build and lifestyle, active (medium) large dogs need just that little bit extra. They can be a bit more sensitive to digestion, muscle, joint or heart problems and more prone to being overfed. ProCare Protection ensures the correct preventative support.

Enriched with prebiotics, herbs, Schuessler cell salts and other supporting ingredients to help maintain healthy gut flora, supple muscles, joints and a healthily functioning heart, the ProCare Protection nutrition line is specifically geared to the needs of active dogs. Complete nutrition with just that extra to bring your dog into balance and maintain it there.

*Schuessler cell salts are not salts as we know them. They are natural minerals that our body creates.

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Might I comment that “Enriched with” and “Schuessler cell salts” as at first reading sounds positive and hopefully the salts chosen are going to prove beneficial.

Do you know which of those salts are added to the food?

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Hi Meg.

Within the composition of each product it will tell you which of Schuessler’s cell salts are added. We currently only stock the ProCare Protection Super Active product - this food has Schuessler cell salts numbers 2 (Calcium phosphate), 4 (Potassium chloride), 9 (Sodium phosphate) & 10 (Sodium sulphate) included. Details of the salts can be found here:


Thank you, it sounds like the tissue salts are a calcium, a potassium and 2 sodium minerals in that particular product.

I hope your launch goes well. Meanwhile, here is an interesting article for anyone to peruse about the use of tissue salts, with pets. Written by Dr Karen Becker :