puppy food

hi all, i’m a new member and would like some advice on feeding my 19 week old pug/patterdale cross. he has been on jamesbegood dried puppy food as per the diet from breeder. He now refuses to eat it we have had some success by soaking it or adding cooked chicken. my wife tried another dried food but same results. what tinned wet food would you recomend? he is also started teething.

Hello and welcome to the forum, I would imagine that if he is anything like my dog he will catch on quickly, that if he doesn’t eat his dinner, nice stuff will be added. I suppose like us though, dogs can just go off stuff sometimes.

There are lots of options in terms of wet complete but I haven’t had any experience feeding a puppy. You can have a look at thisthread to give you an idea of which foods may suit. It explains how to use the filter to enter age, budget and dietary requirements. Also the type of food you would like to feed. I hope this helps a bit. Others may be able to share experiences with wet food and feeding a pup.

Pug in this household gets on ok with wainwrights salmon & potato trays…if pug diet not right the resultant gas can be potent - that said what suits one dog wont suit all. Plenty of foods to choose from but the list gets suprisingly smaller once narrowed down.

Hello and welcome to the forum. There are some really good quality wet foods on the market right now - we are almost spoils for choice. You can locate these by use of the Dog Food Directory filters. If you need help with using this, please ask.