Rip Off Britain on Raw Food

That is a good point. It is not uncommon for people to change food in response to illness in the dog but actually this can be the worst time, especially if the dog’s symptoms are gastrointestinal.

HI Coaster,

Sorry for taking so long to come back to you.

Do you ever handle raw poultry or other meat when preparing meals in the home ? → Yes I do.

Do you eat food from restaraunts, cafes, take aways ? → Yes.

I agree quality can vary … Any specific products that you have nutritional concerns about ? → Any raw food that is complementary to begin with. My issue really is there are many many raw dog food companies now that are starting up and it seems to be a bit “trendy”. I worry that there are so many out there now, you really have to be careful as to what goes into the end product. None to specifically name and shame, more of a broader raw dog food issue. There are of course some great brands and those are the ones that I have full faith in so it is not every single raw dog food company.


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Thanks for reply…

As with all food types quality can vary…Fortunately this site can help folk make informed choices.

I mentioned handling uncooked meat for later human consumption & eating to add perspective as bacteria risks to humans can exist far beyond the dog bowl.

Completely understand what you are saying!

I have tried Natural Instinct and found that to be a great one.

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