Hi AADF forum!
We have a 9 month old sproodle who is currently on Millie’s wolfheart countryside 70/30 kibble and countryside/riverside 70/30 wet mix.
She’s been on the kibble since she was 12 weeks old and the wet from 6 months, changing from butternut box due to issues with wax and smelly ears.
We’ve been wondering for a while whether her food (which is for working and sporting dogs) is too calorific/high protein for her and whether it’s contributing to her seemingly being hyperactive in the morning and evening immediately after eating and not switching off until the afternoon and late evenings. This was further prompted after a night of us staying away from home and the B&B owner feeding her sausages at breakfast after a refusal to eat her own food - she remained much calmer during the day.
We’re now wondering what to change her to as all my searches for lower protein seem to be higher carb and much lower quality, her ear issue has been put down to a yeast allergy triggered by too high carbs (with butternut we believe it was the legumes), plus she can’t have turkey and chicken which limits my options to the stage I’m not sure I have other ones.
Its been suggested to try the Millie’s lamb and veg instead but she’s also a bit overweight at the mo (vet wants her closer to 10-11kg but she’s currently 12kg) so worried about the high fat content of Millie’s too as we’ve already cut down enough to impact her poos with no loss of weight (before the sausages! That was a one off). The vet wants her to go onto Hills (which obviously they sell) but from what I can see that’s absolute tosh!
Exercise wise, most weekdays she’s half hour twice a day, plus play in the garden, weekends she goes out for longer 1-2 times a day, she gets mental stimulation at home too, usually in the form of training or destroying cardboard as we’re trying not to give too much in treats and she won’t eat kibble without wet on top.
We’re keen to keep on kibble/wet mix or pure wet, mainly due to her occasionally going to a dog sitter who it is unfair to ask her to home cook/prep raw, or expect to have enough freezer food for Koda’s pre prepped food.
Anyone had a similar experience and have any suggestions?
Alternatively, if anyone can suggest a qualified canine nutritionalist or vet nutritionalist that covers the mid Devon area, we are looking at this option but struggling to find anyone locally.