Started raw–feeding around the time I discovered that Iams used a biological warfare ingredient to prolong shelf–life on their products — almost twenty years ago. The biological warfare ingredient has now moved into diet drinks and may still be in dog food, but as I don’t use it, I don’t really know.
All about dog food, is a website I often refer people to to check what’s in what they feed. I found it when we got our fourteen–month old rescue Newfie. The rescue told us he had a very delicate stomach and could only eat James Wellbeloved Ocean Fish, so I wanted to check it out — as I suspected high in carbohydrate and also high in salt.
He had a raw chicken drumstick when we got home; it didn’t make him sick. He had a couple more for breakfast; so far so good. From then on it was all raw, and the couple of days food he came with were used as training treats.
I get most of my meat direct from my butcher: mince, chicken carcasses and ox liver. The tripe and white fish is from Nature’s Menu. Overall cost to feed a 50 kg dog, £1 a day — James Wellbeloved Ocean Fish £1.90. Winnning all the way.