Hello from Harvey and his folks

Hi all,
I am a brindle whippet nearing my 8th year and my folks found this site from a Whippet forum and were SHOCKED or so they tell me. Sorry for any tpyos as my claws make things tricky anyway…

I have had my food changed and I love the new stuff (Applawa and Fish4dogs) and my owners exclaim every day over how my coat is glossier, “what a stroke” they say and now my back end is not so scented (being polite) and how my stools are nicer to deal with (being even more polite)

Many many thanks to the site owners as they have done me massive favour and my dad has a big beekeeping site and wonders if we could cross reference please?



Greetings Harvey - I’m so glad your owners are feeding you well. Your food sounds very scrumptious. I’d stay away from those bees if I were you though. :slight_smile:

Hello Harvey and owners,
It sound like you have a nice life now with lots of lovely food. Long may your coat be shiny and glossy.

Hi Harvey, great to have you on board and glad your folks made it on in the end! Thank them for their perseverance for me!

As for linking, I’m afraid we generally steer clear of link exchanges except for guest contributions like articles. Any insights into dogs and honey that we could use?