Low Carb

My Vet has told me to feed a Low carb dry food to my older Bichon x Shihtzu (14) he has skin problems (fungal) which vet says is down to his declining immune system.

He also has several intolerances, Maize, Soy, Chicken, peas, rosehips, marigold flowers and Eggs

I have been checking on here but cant see a way of finding Low Carb dry food.

Hope someone can help, I want to keep my elderly gentlemen comfortable for as long as possible

Hello and welcome to the forum. As far as I know there are no low carb dry foods. Carbohydrate is needed in some form or another to make the biscuit. There are a few average content carbohydrate dry foods and these are the high end ones such as Eden, Wolfworthy, Europa. However, in the case of a dog with skin problems I would advise you not to use dry food at all but to change to a good quality wet food. There are some with a low carbohydrate content or low/average. You can search for these on the Dog Food Directory but if you need help, please ask. Another alternative is fresh cooked food but this is challenging because you need recipes and the correct additives. There are a couple of companies who make fresh cooked food and the one that might be suitable is Different Dog but it is a bit more expensive than dry dog food. We have a thread on skin issues here and David has written a blog on this subject here.