Hello everyone . I am new to this forum I am hoping I will find helpful information about feeding my dog . I have an eight year old german shepherd who was previously raw fed . He really thrived on that but when we came back to Spain I wasn’t able to get the same quality of raw food so reluctantly put him back on dry food . I am not convinced that the food I am giving him is not doing him any good . He is always really hungry but is really gaining weight . I was wondering if anybody else has had a similar with their dog . Also on the raw food he was much calmer than he is now he is really restless the whole day . Sorry this is such a long post and thank you for reading it .
Hello Ann - welcome to the forum. It sounds as if your dog is not doing so well on dry food and it’s a shame that you haven’t found any raw food that is suitable. We have a raw feeding section so maybe there will be something useful in there.
Have you tried any of the raw completes that are available here in the UK? If so, which ones and what is the problem that you are having? I guess that many of us don’t know anything about the Spanish raw dog food market so please could you tell us something about it and what features it had that made the food suitable for your German Shepherd? If you could let us know exactly what you are looking for maybe someone could suggest something similar. Companies who have membership of the Pet Food Manufacturers Association are listed here.
The Dog Food Directory has a list of raw dog food - you just need to use the filter for type of dog food and enter a tick only in the raw completes box.
Thank you Dottie for your response . I didn’t have the complete raw meals . I had a wide selection of fish meat and chicken delivered by a raw feeding company . I had no problems at all in the uk . There are pet shops here that sell the complete raw which I tried rafa on but he soon tired of it and wasn’t eating hence the return to dry food . I am sorry I can’t remeber the name of the food over here . I didn’t use it for long . I have been researching the dry foods today and think I have found some that will be worth trying .I did read the raw food section and that gave me some guidance . I will keep you updated on my progress and thank you for your help .