I am not sure I am posting this in the correct place, but firstly would like to say what a great site, easy to use and packed with information, I find the reviews you do on the foods helpful but wondered if you would be writing a review for the Millies Wolfheart foods? Regards
Thank you for your post - good to know that you appreciate the site.
Do you mean a review on the Dog Food Directory? Currently it is showing ‘full review coming soon’ for Millie’s Wolfheart. I am sure that David intends to review this but I suspect that it is lack of time that has prevented him from doing so. He is snowed under with work generated from the website.
On the Dog Food Directory user reviews are on the bottom of the page relating to the chosen dog food. MWH usually attracts good ones. If you would like to add your own review you can do so. There is also a forum thread on MWH here. We are always happy to receive members’ opinions about the products they have used.
Hi Budd71 and thanks for posting. Thanks also for the very kind feedback - it really means a lot.
As Dottie mentioned, we do have most of the Millies Wolfheart range listed here but I’m afraid I’m yet to get around to writing a full review for them just yet. I’ll get on to it as soon as I can.
Thanks again and all the best
Just to add that Milies Wolfheart is the brand name…They sell a significant number of foods which can significantly vary in composition side-by-side.