Update Products

Hi, Just signed up to the forum.

Its been a while Ive been surfing around the site and it seems that a lot of products are not updated and some products don’t even appear in the site.

Is there a way some products can be updated?

Im currently selling husse and would be more than happy to help you update there products.

Thank you

Hello and welcome to the forum. I heard about Husse a short while ago via this forum but I am not at all familiar with the product. The owner of this website is currently on holiday for two weeks. I know that he is very, very busy; there are so many new foods coming onto the market and of the ranges that are reviewed, recipes and product ranges frequently change. However, I hope that when David returns from his break he will pick up on this thread. You could perhaps also post on the Facebook page as he usually picks up messages on there.

Hi Dottie,

Thank you for the reply, Whatever you need for updated information I can help you.

Hopefully David will be positive to it.

Hi again,

Is there any chance we can update some dog foods or add new ones?

I can provide you with help and info on Husse Products

I think you might be better off going to the All About Dog Food Facebook page and posting about this on there. He usually picks things up quite quickly and hopefully you will get the product reviewed.