Dutch outlaw registration of flat-faced breed puppies

Ban may mean British bulldog has had its day. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/05/22/ban-may-mean-british-bulldog-has-had-day/

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Open letter from the FCI President about the matter of the registration of brachycephalic breeds in the Netherlands.

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Dutch Kennel Club, Raad van Beheer, statement. https://www.facebook.com/raad.vanbeheer/posts/3085417811519449?__tn__=K-R

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Kennel Club not to follow Dutch brachy ban. https://www.vettimes.co.uk/news/kennel-club-not-to-follow-dutch-brachy-ban/

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Brachycephalic breeds’ health: agreement between the Kennel Club (UK) and the FCI.


AKC Statement on Dutch Kennel Club ‘Brachycephalic Decision’: Context and a Cautionary Tale.

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FCI statement: Position of the FCI regarding the “BOAS” issue in the Netherlands

Open letter, Position of Dutch judges regarding judging according to recognized FCI standards. https://www.facebook.com/akldbulldogs/posts/3286278464783061
The FCI breed standards and the Dutch Kennel Club. https://www.houdenvanhonden.nl/nieuws/the-fci-breed-standards-and-the-dutch-kennel-club/

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An insight into brachycephalic dog health from The Kennel Club. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAXfEbWmuic&feature=youtu.be

The Kennel Club Charitable Trust commits to advance health research into 13 more brachycephalic breeds.https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/media-centre/2020/october/charitable-trust-commits-to-advance-brachycephalic-health-research/


Finnish report: An investigation would curb problems with dog breeding through monitoring criteria and ethical delegation.

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Norway to decide if breeding of English Bulldogs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels violates Norwegian law.

A follow up FAQ in English on the Unethical Breeding Lawsuit (Norway). https://www.dyrebeskyttelsen.no/aerlig-talt-english/faq/

CBF’s Response to French Bulldog Crossbreeding Intentions. https://www.facebook.com/brachyunion/posts/238832731215358?__tn__=K-R

Welfare problems of flat-faced dogs - can we ever solve them? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ycqcr0n-JsA
APDAWG. https://apdawg.co.uk/

The Oslo District Court has agreed to hear the Norwegian Society for the Protecion of Animal’s case of illegal dog breeding. https://www.dyrebeskyttelsen.no/aerlig-talt-english/the-first-lawsuit-updates/

Calls for bans on breeding short-nosed dogs gain momentum. https://news.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=210&catId=620&Id=10411832

Norway, lawsuit against unethical breeding. An update to the court case held a few day’s a go.

A little added info https://www.dyrebeskyttelsen.no/aerlig-talt-english/the-first-lawsuit-updates/

Update regarding lawsuit in Norway.

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