Royal Canin - Cavapoo puppy?

We have a Cavapoo puppy now aged 10 weeks. He has been bred on Royal Canin Medium Junior, however the chart on the packaging suggests this is for dogs who will be 11kg plus. Would we be better changing to Royal Canin Mini Junior (4-10kg)?

Hello and welcome to the forum. It looks as if you have not completed your post. Did you want to ask something about your pup’s diet? If so, please provide more information.

Thanks, I have updated my original post

You don’t say how much your dog weighs, but assuming that he is less than 10kg then according to their website, the correct one would be Royal Canin Mini Junior. The review of this products can be found here and it scores 2.6 out of 5 stars.

As you say, Royal Canin Medium Junior is marketed for larger dogs, 11kg to 25kg and up to 12 months. The review on this website is here and it scores 2.1 out of 5 stars. Both products have similar protein and fat levels - circa 30%/20% respectively.

If you want any further information, look on the Royal Canin website and you will probably be able to find a telephone number for their customer support team.

If you would like to learn more about these products, have a look at the reviews on this website - the links are given above. There are a lot of red ingredients and if you click on each individual one you will see that it is hyperlinked to an explanation of it. There are better products on the market that contain no red ingredients and these can be located by use of the Dog Food Directory of this website.

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