Tarimoor Pets Limited

Hello, I run a small pet services warehouse in Thurlstone, South Yorkshire, I hope it’s ok to post a bit about it here.

I’m absolutely passionate about my dogs, including what they eat. I feed a mixture of raw and some home cooked, but am open minded about food as long as it’s good quality, I know not everyone wants to raw feed, or even that it suits their dog(s).

I refuse to stock certain products that are harmful to dogs, including cooked bones, dental chews that are high in salt, and (even though they are popular brands) foods that are high in colourants and additives.

As well as dog food, we stock cat food, small pet food and bedding, toys, wild bird products and foods, some lovely and very individual greeting cards, gifts, and even art work. We also offer dog grooming and training services,

Thank you for reading.

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Thank you for letting us know about your business. It is useful and I like to hear of small, independent pet supplies retailers. Your customers are lucky in having someone who is passionate about what they sell and can also give good advice about nutrition - it so very important. :slight_smile:

Love the photo. Someone looks a little distracted. ;D

Thanks for the replies, Nettle (foxhound) doesn’t really know a sit, she’s a rescue bless her and has a heart of gold. All my spare change from the shop goes to Foxhound Welfare UK, a small charity that does a lot for a breed that most people don’t really know about.

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