Wainwright's Dog Food

As many will already know, Wainwright’s dog food is own brand for Pets at Home. I’ve been checking out the reviews on this website and on others and they seem quite positive on the whole. Some of the range seems to mimic James Wellbeloved but the products appear to be cheaper. I do like the look of the grain free range and see that they score well on here, particularly the grain free wet.

I had a brief experience of using a Wainwright’s product in early 2014 when I had two of mine on the salmon and potato light. The middle one did begin to lose weight. They also liked it and their poos were firm and not too copious. The kibble size was larger than normal so they had to crunch it properly which I thought was good. More recently I have bought a few trays of the grain free wet and my word, it does smell nice. My little one has a preference for wet food and when I used it as a topper, this one went down a treat. I am wondering if anyone has any experience of using any of these products or has any thoughts or information about them that they would be willing to share?

Hello, I’m new to any sort of forum so please bare with me! I’m also relatively new to quality dog foods having started to research them earlier last year. I have to confess that before this I fed Pedigree Chum wet, mixed with wholemeal biscuit. I thought I was doing the right thing, how I was taken in. Since I discovered the error of my ways, my 2 minature schnauzers have been ‘test driving’ a number of products. The wide range of foods has amazed me, I had no idea there were so many. I’m still not sure I’ve found the right ones. One of my boys is currently on Wainwrights grain free. I mix wet and kibble. I’ve had no problems feeding this. He likes it, but then he likes anything! His poo is good and there have been no upsets. He has some serious behavioural problems and I do feel he is better able to control his emotions when on this, whether it’s because it is grain free I don’t know. It’s the only grain free he’s had. During the test drive he has had other foods but I keep returning to this. My main concern is that I am feeding kibble. I’ve never been a fan even in the Pedigree days. The trouble with feeding just wet is that it can mean feeding large volume for small tummies. The other boy needs extra to keep his weight on. (He’s currently on Nature Menu tinned and Gentle.)The only thing I’d watch with Wainwrights is the fish variety. After trying this he smelt as though he’d been bathing in cod liver oil! Hope this is of some help, sorry to have rambled on.

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Thank you for responding and giving us your appraisal of Wainwright’s grain free food. Regarding fish, I find that most dog foods that are based on this leave an odour on the dog. I like to offer some fish based dog food but not all the time. Mine are fed on Gentle too and do well on it. They are currently having a little bit of Wainwright’s grain free as a topper and I have to say that the little one seems to enjoy her food more when given like this. Of course I have to cut down the dry food.