Canidae dry dog food

Hi, anyone using Canidae grain free dry dog food?

There’s currently no Canidae reviews on this website.
Are there any plans to do so please?

I was feeding my dog Canagan, but now unable to source from my local supplier (I don’t want to go down the mail order route), so considering switching to Canidae. I can buy this brand locally and the ingredients on the dry food looks ok.
It would be great to reaffirm with a trusted review!
I’d appreciate any feed back please.

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You can copy and paste the ingredients list into the instant review generator under the “foods” menu to get an approximate score for any foods not currently listed

Hello Norah - welcome to the AADF forum. Canidae is not a food that I have looked at. I have therefore located the website, which is here.

I see that the company produce dry and wet food and that it is made in the USA. There are several varieties and looking at one dried product (Bison) it has a moderate protein and fat content. There is no grain, the carbohydrate source being mainly sweet potato which I am told is good.

I can see why you are looking at this as an alternative to Canagan. I also understand about your concerns re ordering online. I prefer to buy local too but neither of the stores belonging to the company who sell the product that I feed to my dogs have it in stock. I take the view that they are settled and doing well on their current food so I ordered online just a couple of days ago.

Alternatively, you could do as David suggested. I have posted on the AADF Facebook to ask if a review can be done. The Facebook page is here.

Edit: I have just remembered that Wainwright’s grain free kibble is similar to Canagan and is readily available but only in Pets at Home. On the Dog Food Directory it doesn’t score as high as Canagan but not by much - 4.6 against 4.4. There are four flavours: fish, lamb, rabbit and turkey. I see this as a real positive because the dog can have a change from time to time. Also the protein and fat is more moderate which (arguably) may suit a domestic, non working dog’s requirements quite well. They sell it in 1.5kg bags which is ideal for a trial as there is not much money wasted if it doesn’t suit the dog.