Which biscuits alongside Butternut?

Hi Everyone,

Hope you’re well.

We currently feed our 4 year old Cockapoo (7KG) Butternut Box and have been for a couple of years now. Introduced biscuits into her diet from Tails.com, been on them around 3/4 months but she doesn’t seem to like them all that much and after seeing the review on AADF, I’m thinking now’s as good a time as any to change.

Could anyone help advise on how’s best to see which would fit in her diet best? Looking on the AADF site, the top answer I would assume is where to go, but thought I’d ask the opinions of the forums too!

Thank you in advance, Adam

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The other day bentleys ocean fiod was reviewd and camme out with an excellent score and review by all abput dog food .

AVA white fish is an amazing food and they do a sensitive skin and stomach one as well which is what i feed all my dogs and get compliments about there coats everywhere we go

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