Anyone use Earls from Aldi ?

My 3 yr old Cocker Spaniel is as fussy as they come and I have been through many brands of complete biscuits. But she loves Earls from Aldi, I think because it is softer. The composition on the bag doesnt look great, but I cant see it listed on this site. Any feedback welcome ! Thanks

Hello and welcome to the forum.
I can’t find a list of ingredients to put in the review generator but I remember looking at it once and thinking the ingredients were very like Bakers. They were vague e.g. cereals and animal and vegetable derivatives Also lots of additives. If I recall the meat content was very low. I am guessing that it would not score very highly.

Hello Suegee - welcome to the forum. There is very simple answer to your query. Supermarkets tend not to sell good quality dog food and IMHO are best avoided if at all possible. I am not 100% sure but of the ones that supermarkets sell, Harringtons scores the highest on the Dog Food Directory of this website. As a rule of thumb, pet food is best bought from good, dedicated pet supplies shops or online.

Regarding Earls, looking at the website, two issues are immediately obvious. The price - at £4.99 for 10kg it is very cheap. Usually foods in this price bracket contain a lot of filler and meat derivatives. Secondly, there is no description. Look here for information about how to select a suitable dog food.